We're back with our joint meeting as the Clive Democrats and Windsor Heights

Democrats come together to boost our activity and community reach. Our meeting takes place on Tuesday the 29th starting at 6PM for social time and ordering from the menu.. We'll be in the private meeting room of Gilroy's 1238 8th Street in West Des Moines.
Our featured speakers will be Mitch Henry of the Iowa Unity Coalition, working together for a more progressive Iowa, and Sara Parris of Annie's Foundation. The mission of Annie's Foundation is to ensure members of the community have unhindered access to books with characters and subjects that reflect the diversity and complexity of the world around them by providing banned and challenged books to our community. We'll also hear from local elected officials and candidates running in the municipal elections on November 7th. We look forward to seeing you there!
A reminder that to get to Gilroy's you'll have to take 63rd Street to the 8th Street Detour. Heading West to 8th Street and then back North to Gilroy's. We know it's a pain but....once you get there you'll have a great time.
See you soon!